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Fiat Lux
Fiat Lux
Fiat Lux
Fiat Lux
Ralph Barrientos & Veronica Lazo
Surya Namaskara
14.8 x 21.3 cm; 15 Prints with QR link to video; 2020
We have made an easy yoga guide for everyone!
Yoga has been one of the centering things for us and we’d love to share it with you.
We’ve made postcards with an illustrated guide and a video.
Surya Namaskara / Sun Salutations is a moving meditation that you can do everyday that helps improve physical and mental health.
Hold each pose of Surya Namaskar A for 3-5 breaths and repeat the sequence as you’d like; or continue to Sun Salutations B for a deeper stretch. If you can’t reach the full pose, that’s okay. Stretch until you feel a light pull on your muscles and that’s enough, You’ll get there with daily practice.
Everything is free.
Love and light to everyone
Scan QR code to watch the video
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