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Fiat Lux
Fiat Lux
Fiat Lux
Neither Here, nor There
Any resemblance to reality is purely coincidental
6 x 6.5 x 2 in (box); Notebook, booklets, photographs, glass frames, perfume, tiger balm, letter, beeswax, paper; 2021
Rummaging can be likened to observing an uneventful scene. Our senses seemingly static, but silently picking and storing things into our memory. Faint imprints that can sometimes resurface. The box I prepared contains booklets I made for my first solo show about rummaging. The rest are objects I don't use but still keep in my drawer because of an unexplained familiarity. It is very much finding comfort in a place where memory and unfamiliarity merges.
Note to exhibit viewer: You can write anything in the notepad.
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